Our little love's developmental journey is exciting; we are over the moon and thank you for allowing us to be part of yours.

Time is fleeting; create many merrymaking moments & always remember to play!

Much love, Chanelle xx


I was gifted a magical childhood that filled my curiosity & creativity cup all through exploratory play. From a young age, I dreamed of creating something exciting to hopefully share with the little people who might someday become my world.

This notion only grew as the years went on, come 2016, the year I became 'Mum,' honestly the most rewarding yet daunting time of my life. I couldn't believe I had created this incredible tiny human; it blew my mind.

It was time! Fast forward to 2023 - here I am, the fortunate 'Mum' to three very handsome yet challenging little men and the incredibly proud brainchild behind GUS + MABEL!


GUS + MABEL specialises in lovingly and thoughtfully designed children's sensory play resources with practicality, sustainability & aesthetics in mind.

Our range helps to encourage learning through exploration, curiosity, imagination, problem-solving & creativity, promoting only effervescent vibes! During product development, we accompany the principles of many educational approaches such as Montessori, Waldorf & Charlotte Mason.

It's with the utmost importance that every GUS + MABEL product makes for a positively delightful experience for you & your child; it is at the forefront of our ideology.


Sustainability within our range is our mission; we know there is no Plan(et) B for our beautiful home. We're hugely planet & people friendly, all our products are made ethically & our many beautiful teams strive to achieve the utmost quality.

Where possible, our products have been created using natural raw materials allowing them to be recyclable & biodegradable; it's a small but essential step to reduce our carbon footprint.

We must always remember we are a children's brand; it's their future, after all.


Minimal impact alongside moral harmony.


We're a children's brand; it's their future.


Important step to reduce our carbon footprint.